Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Welcome to my blog...

Thank you for visiting my blog page about my trip around the United States and Canada in the summer of 2009.  I finished up with it on September 10. 2009.  Although my trip is finished, I hope that you will have as much fun reading it as I had doing it.  The easiest way to read about my trip is to start at the first entry and when you are done click on "Newer Post" and go to the next page in the blog.  There were some really great days and some not so great days, but all in all it was a trip of a lifetime.  None the less, I will be working on going on another even better trip soon.  Have fun reading about my trip.

Five days left...   <------ The first day of blogging

Monday, August 31, 2009

Alabama, The Jack Daniel's Distillery and Tennesee

Jack Daniel's Funeral Notice

How Jack Daniel died

A statue of Jack Daniel

The spring where they get the water for the whiskey

The Jack Daniel motto

A look-alike for Bill Strouf

Me, in front of the Jack Daniel's Distillery

The town of Lynchburg, TN

Bedford County, TN... another point on my ABC's

The Service Manager where I got my motorcycle serviced

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Helen, GA to Alabama

My Campsite in Helen, GA

The rolling hills of northern Georgia

The rolling hills of northern Georgia

The rolling hills of northern Georgia

I made it to Tennessee. One more point for my ABC's.

When I got a few miles into Tennessee, I rode past the national park where they held the whitewater events for the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games. I decided to stop and walk around. It was pretty neat. There were even a few kayakers paddling on the river.
The bridge across the river at the top of the course

Looking down the whitewater course from the start

Some of the rapids along the course

Several Kayakers on the river

A courageous kayaker attempting the rapids

The middle part of the whitewater course with a walkway for spectators

Looking upstream at the whitewater course

The end of the whitewater course looking upstream

Rafters and Kayakers on the river

Rafters and Kayakers on the river

People having fun on the river...
At night and it the rain.

Canoes and Rafts on the river

I finally made it to Alabama

I was glad to finally make it to my campsite tonight. It was drizzling all night. I was able to find a spot under a tree that was relatively dry. Tomorrow I am going to try to make it to Hot Springs Village, AR to visit my parents. It should be a long ride It's about 500 miles and I have to try to get my motorcycle serviced along the way.