Sunday, August 16, 2009

Volunteering at “Hope For The Animals Day"

Today, I got up early and Dara, Abby and I all rode down to Tower Grove Park where I volunteered for the “Hope For The Animals Day” function. That is where they give low cost shots and licenses for the dogs and cats in the St. Louis area.

We got there early to set up and it was nice out, but a there was still a threat of rain later in the day.

We got all set up and even though the event started out at 2:00, we started giving shots at about 12:45. There were people starting to line up at Noon so they wouldn't have to wait in longer lines later in the day. Last year there were people waiting in lines for two hours just to get their shots.

Things went very smoothly this year. Everyone got their shots and licenses in a timely manner and there was only one little fight between dog and it involved dogs from the SAME owners. The dog was huge and very strong. I ended up holding it until the other dogs went through and got their shots.

I'm sure that the reason that everything went so smoothly was due to all the volunteers. (Yeah, even me!)

Dara, who is always busy!

Me, looking very authoritative with my vest

Well, you knew that everything couldn't go off without a hitch. About 3:30, it started to rain. Since people were waiting in line for so long, they didn't want to go home just because of a little rain.

People still getting shots in the rain

People still waiting for their shots in the rain

It kept raining and started to rain even harder. It turns out that it rained 1.3 inches in St. Louis in just two hours.

The heavy rain at the event

It was raining so heavy that the rain started to puddle up around the pavilion and generally made a mess of everything.

More Heavy rain

There were a lot of people that were still there and they all tried to get under the roof of the pavilion so they wouldn't get wet. All the volunteers kept busy and continued to give shots so that everyone was taken care of. There wasn't as many people as last year, but it was still a successful event.

After the event, a few of the volunteers went to "The King and I" restaurant. The food was really good and we all had a good time.

After dinner, I just watched a little TV and then went to bed. It was a long, but fun day.

Tomorrow, I am going to try and make it to North Carolina, if the weather cooperates.