Sunday, August 23, 2009

A quiet day in in North Carolina talking Family Tree with JoyLane

Today I slept in a little bit. It was nice to be in a real bed, especially after all the rain that I had been riding in for two days. JoyLane and I talked for a while about Family Tree stuff. It was nice to actually hang out and talk to her and not always do things by e-mail.

One of the things that we talked about was having another family reunion. The last one that we had was way ban in August of 1996. It was a lot of fun, but everyone has been saying that we should do it again, but no one has ever got one going again. We decided that we were going to get one organized for the July 31, 2010.

JoyLane's house

After talking about it for a while, we ate some brunch. When we finished, I started to get my stuff ready to leave and we noticed that clouds were starting to roll in. We waited a little bit and they got worse.

The clouds look menacing!

I decided to wait a little while and see what happened before I left. I was really glad that I did. About a half hour later, the rains came down really hard. It lasted for about two hours and I would have been soaked.

It really rained hard!

Since I was staying, we decided to look at more family tree stuff. It was really interesting.