Saturday, May 30, 2009

Ricky Martini and I went riding...

Today, Ricky and I went for a nice ride.  I rode up to Ricky’s house in the morning.  From there, we rode up to Albany and then Schenectady where we went to one of Ricky’s  friend, Vicky’s house.  They were having a baby shower and barbeque.  It was really nice.  We stayed there for most of the afternoon.

We left the party about 5:00 and went over to Dalton, MA where they were having a bike night at a the Depot, a local bar.  It was an old train station that they turned into a bar.  There were about 50 motorcycles there.  

Ricky and I at the Depot

We hung out for a little while and then headed for Keith’s house.  Larry was having a bonfire with all of the scraps from the trees that they had cut down in the last month.  It took longer than we expected to get there because we didn’t ride very fast because of the cold and the possibility of deer in the road.

They ended up starting the fire early so we only got there e=near the end of the fire. When we got there the fire was just smoldering embers.  They said that the flames were almost 30 feet high.  That would have been fun to see.  Oh, well!  Maybe next time.

The fire, which was about 30 feet across

We headed back to Keith’s house, ate some pasta and called it an early night.