Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Madison, WI to Arbor Vitae, WI with a water ski show along the way

I left Madison about 10:00 because I was a little worried about the weather ahead. On the radar it looked like I was going to ride right into a storm. After looking at it for a while, I decided to go ahead and try to make it as it looked like I wouldn't run into it.

The start of the day was very nice. I was actually riding in a t-shirt because it was so warm. It was a really nice day to be out riding.

Along the way, I stopped in Jefferson County to get another point for my ABC's of Touring.

When I got about halfway to Minocqua, WI the sky started to look like a storm was on its way right across where I was headed. I decided to ride as far as I could and try to make it to Arbor Vitae before I got caught in the rain.

When I got to Minocqua, WI, I noticed that they were having a water ski show as I came through town. I remember watching them perform when I was in Minocqua as a little kid.

One of the announcers said that they were going to show the power of one of the boats that they had. The driver gunned the motor and the boat rode a "wheelie" just like a motorcycle would. It was really incredible to watch.

After that trick they did quite a bit of trick skiing in the show.

I took some video of some of the ski jumping that they did. The first one was just for distance.

The next one was where two guys jumped at the same time.

The next one was where nine people jumped at the same time. Seven actually finished and stayed up on their skis. Two fell during the jump. It was pretty neat.

After the water ski show, I went over to the Morgan's cabin which is located in Vilas County, WI. Yes, another letter in my ABC's of touring!

I finally got to the Morgan's Cabin. It was nice to see my Mom and Dad. I hadn't been to the Morgan's cabin since I was about ten years old. It had changed quite a bit since I had been there last. I'm going to get a good night's sleep since I don't have to get up and go anywhere tomorrow. I'm just going to relax and enjoy some time with my parents.