Saturday, June 27, 2009

A rainy day in Arbor Vitae, WI watching the eagles

Today was a real quiet day.  It was very overcast most of the day.  The rain started and stopped all day.  

The view of the lake from the porch

The one highlight of the day, other than being able to spend it with my parents, was that the eagles came out and were flying all around the cabin.  There were three or four different eagles that were flying around the house.  It was pretty neat seeing all those eagles in one place.

The eagles flying around the house

Later in the day it got a little nicer out, but the sun never did come out.  I just hung out and spend some time with my parents since I hadn't seen them for a while.  It was just a nice quiet day.

The view of Morgan's Cabin from the lake

Tomorrow looks like it will be a nice day.  I am going to try to go down to Tomahawk, Wi to see the Harley-Davidson plant where they make the fiberglass parts for the touring motorcycles.  They are closed, but I will be able to get one more point in my ABC's of Touring contest.

After I stop there I am going to ride over to Ladysmith, WI and try to see Dana Fransen, who I went to Winter High School with.  Dana was one of the people on our 4x200 relay that made it to sectionals our senior year.

I'll stop in Winter, WI on the way to stay with Tony Kleutsch for the night.  He lives in Brule, WI which is near Ashland, Wi on Lake Superior.  Hopefully, I will see some people I know from high school.

I should have quite an eventful day tomorrow.