Saturday, June 6, 2009

Americade and Keith's Birthday

Today we all decided that we were going to go up to Americade. I needed to make a few phone calls first so I told Ricky that I would meet him up there. The ride up there was nice and warm so I just wore a t-shirt. It only took me about 90 minutes to get there. When I got off the highway, it was another three miles, but it took me about 45 minutes to ride those three miles because traffic was so bad.  It was no surprise that everyone in the area was going to this event.

Once I got there I found a parking space near the Harley-Davidson demo area.  This was nice because I went to the HOG pinstop and picked up my HOG Americade pin. They were out of them so they swiped my card and said they would have one mailed. I went back to my motorcycle to put some stuff away and started to talk to the couple next to me. A few people commented on his motorcycle and how nice the custom paint job was. I took their picture before they left. They were really nice.

A really nice couple at Americade

Next I called Ricky to see where he was and he said that they decided that they all decided to go to see the Orange County Chopper building in Newburgh, NY. It would have been nice for him to let me know, but I would have still gone up to Americade because I already went to see the OCC building on the way up.

There were a lot of motorcycles there and even more people. I walked down the street a little bit and saw the parking lot. It was motorcycles as far as you could see.

All the motorcycles at Americade

From there I walked back up to the main drag through town. That’s where all the motorcycles were cruising so everyone could see them. I passed a “Boss Hoss” motorcycle.  It had a V8 engine in it. It looked really nice. I bet it must weigh at least 1,100 pounds.

Quite a motorcycle: A Boss Hoss with a V8 engine

I ended up going to one of the bars that had a nice big deck area where a lot of people were.  I went up to one of the bars were it looked like everyone was having a good time. As soon as I got in the bar area, I met some guys that started talking to me. I decided to hang out with them. We were having a good time and laughing and looking at all the motorcycles. There was lot of people hanging out there also. They were all watching the cars and motorcycles ride up and down the main drag.

Watching all the motorcycles cruising the mail drag in Lake George, NY

One of the guys’ wife said she would ask the girl if she could take a picture. I said sure. She walked over and asked the woman if she could take her picture and the woman said sure.

A girl with a really nice ass standing to the left of a really big ass (her husband)

When the wife walked back and handed me the camera, the woman’s husband saw this and got mad. He came over and started giving me a hard time about taking a picture of his wife. I told him that I didn’t take it and besides, she said it was OK. He got really mad and said someone was going to “kick my ass” one of these days. I laughed at him. He promptly went over to his wife and grabbed her by the wrist and told her that they were leaving. Our whole group just started laughing. The joke for the rest of the day was, “If I take your picture, you  are going to kick my ass?”

A few of the other people that I was hanging out with told me to join them. We all hung out and laughed just people watched until I had to leave to make it back to Tina’s house where she was throwing a small party for Keith.

The ride back down to Tina’s was nice. It was still warm and the traffic wasn’t too bad.  I took a couple pictures for my ABC's of touring.  I think I got about five more points including the Town of Kinderhook sign which counted for the "K" for cities.

I got to Tina’s about 7:00. They were barbecuing burgers and brats. They had all kinds of food there. I really liked the barbecued beef. I’m not sure who made it, but it was really good!  Everyone hung out and had a great time.  Tina made a cake for Keith. After dinner, she gave it to him.

They were also celebrating Tyler's (Tina’s sister Kim’s son) graduation from Grade school.  She got a cake for him also.

Tina's friend ???? was also there celebrating with us.

So was Jamie and her fiance, ????

"We hung out until about midnight and just drank until everyone was exhausted and we all slept at Tina’s so no one would get a DUI on the way home since there was quite a bit of drinking going on tonight.