Friday, July 17, 2009

I made it to Saskatoon and went to The Taste of Saskatoon

Today I slept in a little bit as it was a little cool and windy. I didn’t feel like riding in the wind again so soon if I didn’t have to. It was still just as windy today as it was yesterday.

I got going about 9:30 and the sun was out again so at least it was warm. All I saw again today were more farms. I think Western Canada must be nothing but farms with a few small cities in it. I’m sure that Eastern Canada is completely different.

One of the other things that I saw besides farms was little ponds. They seemed to be all over. The signs said that they were part of the Canadian wetlands program. It seems like they all have at least two adult ducks and a bunch of little ducks on them. One lake must have had at least 25 ducks on it. On another one, I saw nothing but Canadian Geese. There must have been at least 25 on that one also. I guess Canada is doing quite a bit for the duck population.

Since my friend, John was working and wouldn’t be done until after 5:00, I decided to go riding around Saskatoon and see what there was to see. I looked through the Saskatoon visitor’s guide and found one of the old railroad hotels. It was the Hotel Bessborough.

The Hotel Bessborough.

For those of you that don’t know about the railroad hotels, the railroads built big fancy hotels in first so that the well to do people would have a place to stay at the end of the day while they were on long train journeys. Once they figured out that they could get people to visit them and stay for several days, they started to market them as a resort destination. At this point they started making then fancier and bigger for the well to do clientele.

Right next door the the Hotel Bessborough was the Taste of Saskatoon. There were about 50 different restaurants that offered three of their specialty dishes. I went into there and sampled some of the dishes. The food was all very good.

I stayed at the Taste of Saskatoon for a while. They also had different bands playing in addition to the food. There were a lot of people there. Many of them brought blankets and chairs and hung out since it was such a nice day.

I didn’t get to John’s house until almost 9:00 pm. It was still light out, but I was pretty tired fro doing all that riding and walking. John and I talked for a little while, but since John had to work early, I went to bed early also.